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Summary: program fails with error: "unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented"

A program (rpm, OpenLDAP's slapd) aborts with an error message like:

    rpmdb: unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented
    error: db4 error(38) from dbenv->open: Function not implemented
The exact db4 function in which the problem occurs may vary, but the error code 38 and the message unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented are constant.

The problem we are facing (and its variations, depending on the workarounds that one can try) is quite accurately described in http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200603/msg00199.html


Reproduceable on any Xen DomU running RHEL4-derived systems (CentOS4, SL4, SLC4).


On the site-BDII, the problem was fixed by using the "ldbm" backend and avoiding Berkeley DB4 completely, see IssueBdiiNotStartingOnXenDomU

We cannot do this for Phedex, since it uses a CMS-built version of apt+rpm+db4, so we cannot rebuild that with different flags.

Solution or Workaround

I wasn't able to find much information by googling: all the related pages date back to 2005/2006 (when CentOS4/RHEL4 was current), and the links to software packages or patches are often broken. Some suggest fixing the problem by recompiling the libc with a special gcc option; finally I found the exact patch here:


Rebuilding the libc with the patch applied solved the issue, apparently. (Patch and new glibc RPM attached.) Caveat: installation of the glibc RPM directly from the DomU command-line prompt led to a failed upgrade and an unusable system. I had to:

  1. stop the DomU
  2. mount its root filesystem in the Dom0:
  3. chroot into it (bind-mount /dev and /proc for RPM to work properly):
            mount /dev/vm-root-filesys /mnt
            mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
            mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
            chroot /mnt rpm -Uvh glibc-2.3.4-2.41.xenu.rpm
            umount /mnt/proc
            umount /mnt/dev
            umount /mnt

Note that upgrading the glibc RPM can lead to problems when bulk upgrades of the system RPMs are performed (yum update), as that can replace the DomU-specific glibc with a new version. A workaround to this is described in: http://marc.info/?l=xen-users&m=111761896306738&w=2

Also note that the same issue is known to the gLite/WLCG upstream, and tracked in bug #42475 at CERN Savannah where other workarounds are suggested, none of which worked here.

-- RiccardoMurri - 05 Nov 2008

Affected Service BDII, Phedex/cmsvobox
Symptom summary program fails with error: "unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented"
Reason Understood yes
Solution Exists yes
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatdiff glibc.spec.diff r1 manage 0.7 K 2009-01-28 - 09:21 RiccardoMurri patch to glibc.spec to enable the DomU-compatibility option
Unknown file formatrpm glibc-2.3.4-2.41.xenU.i386.rpm r1 manage 4376.3 K 2009-01-28 - 09:26 RiccardoMurri glibc RPM rebuilt with Xen DomU compatibility options
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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-01-14 - PabloFernandez
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