

Summary: Cannot move ISB, Problem to detect the lifetime of the proxy


At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency):

2011-08-05 After wiping Scratch FS


This happens when the CreamCE thinks there is a delegated proxy in the Cream Sandbox, but it was deleted from there for whatever reason.

You can detect it happening because jobs fail inmediately after starting (exit_status=1) and Cream reports this error in *glite-ce-cream.log*"

05 Aug 2011 16:45:49,917 INFO  org.glite.ce.creamapi.jobmanagement.cmdexecutor.AbstractJobExecutor ( - 
[failureReason=Cannot move ISB (retry_copy ${globus_transfer_cmd} gsi 
Problem to detect the lifetime of the proxy] [localUser=honeprd] [gridJobId=] 
[] [delegationId=13041121772E840574rb12Ecyf2Dkr2Eedu2Epl] 

Solution or Workaround

This can be solved by removing the entry from the CreamCE where it says there's an existing delegated proxy. If you run this script in the CreamCE log dir:

grep lifetime glite-ce-cream.log.* | grep DONE-FAILED | egrep -o "delegationId=[^]]*" | \
sed 's/dele.*\=//' | sort -u | while read i; do echo "delete from t_credential where dlg_id='$i';"; done
It will tell you the sql commands you need to execute in the cream DB (database: delegationdb)

Deleting delegated proxies on bad files

Another possibility is to detect bad files and delete the entries in the database. This may be useful:
for i in `find /lustre/scratch/CREAM_CE/cream02 -type d -maxdepth 3`; \
do ls -la $i/proxy;done 2> /dev/null | awk '/\?/ {print $7}' | while read i; do echo "delete from t_credential where dlg_id='$i';"; done

Monitoring for this condition

-- PabloFernandez - 2011-08-05

Affected Service cream CE
Symptom summary Cannot move ISB, Problem to detect the lifetime of the proxy
Reason Understood yes
Solution Exists yes
Obsolete no
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Topic revision: r2 - 2011-08-08 - PabloFernandez
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