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Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016-06-06 at 14:00

  • Place: Vidyo (room: Swiss_Grid_Operations_Meeting, extension: 10537598)
  • External link: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=FAEn4zjAba7BqoQ11TGZu66VSDE
  • Phone gate: From Switzerland: 0227671400 (portal) + 10537598 (extension) + # (pound sign)
  • IRC chat: irc:gridchat.cscs.ch:994#lcg (ask pw via email)
  • Switch Vidyo SIP IP:

Site status


  • Systems:
    - Prepared all Phoenix servers to be shipped out to Gianfranco and Roland
    - Installed VM for ARC 6.x tests
    - Deployed CentOS 7 Image on Piz Daint

    - and re-deployed with the missing unzip package

    - Atlas is running on CentOS 7 and also LHCb by mistake (but no one is complaining)



  • Stable, running unattended
  • Setting up ROCKS 7 framework, with CentOS 7 and Slurm 18.08.6, first nodes to be re-installed shortly.
  • With a bit of luck, we'll uograde without downtime (but with a period of reduced caapacity)
  • Monthly summary: Pledged: 42k, delivered 23.6k (22k last month)
  • Ubelix contributing ~46% (23% typical)
  • Running an average >2.2k slots (2.5k typical during the previous pledge period)



  • Accounting numbers (from scheduler) from last month
    • Omitted this month

Swiss ATLAS statistics

  • Hammercloud availability

    • ATLAS HammerCloud last month:
      ATLAS <span class=HammerCloud last month" height="177" src="/twiki/pub/LCGTier2/MeetingSwissGridOperations20190606/Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_10.49.59.png" title="ATLAS HammerCloud last month" width="643" />
    • ANALY_CSCS-HPC: 85% (80% last month)
    • CSCS-LCG2-HPC_MCORE: 95% (99% last month)
    • ANALY_UNIBE-LHEP: 100% (100% last month)
    • ANALY_UNIBE-LHEP-UBELIX: 94% (100% last month)
    • UNIBE-* : 100% (99% last month)

  • Slots used

    • ATLAS_slots:

    • CSCS: 4.2k
    • UNIBE: 2.2

  • CPU consumption

    • ATLAS_CPU:

    • CSCS 64% (59% last month)
    • UNIBE 36% (41% last month)

  • Accounting Numbers from the ATLAS dashboard (May 2019) CSCS+UNIBE

Cluster Job Type Produced WC core-hours Good vs Bad WC % CPU eff good jobs %
CSCS Any 2'505'555; 64% (was 2'133'333 59%) 90% (was 68%) 83% (was 85%)
UniBe Any 1'702'777; 41% (was 1'502'777 41%) 82% (was 75%) 81% (was 80%)

  • Delivered vs pledged
    CSCS-LCG2: pledged 50k, delivered 51k (was 39.4k)
    UNIBE-LHEP: pledged 42k, delivered 23.6 (was 22k)


  • VO shares at CSCS

    • Looking good following the last maintenance

    • CSCS_shares-30day:
    • CSCS_shares-30day

    • CSCS_shares-15day:
    • CSCS_shares-15day

    • CSCS_pending-15day:
    • CSCS_pending-15day


  • ARC CE is running smoothly
  • Increased slot usage limit for ATLAS jobs from 600 to 1200
    • after having observed that the limit of 600 slots is not per partition but global
    • more increase possible, e.g all => 600, atlas-preempt => 1200 to make better use of idle resources
    • but often only few jobs got sent to atlas-preempt partition though a lot of resources would had been free (weekends)
    • tbd with Gianfranco


  • No news about the ARC re-deployment
  • Considering the proposal of closing the site in GOCDB


  • Xxx
  • NGI-CH Open Tickets review

Other topics

  • Topic1
  • Topic2
Next meeting date:



  • CSCS:
  • CMS:
  • ATLAS:
  • LHCb:
  • EGI:

Action items

  • Item1

  • ATLAS HammerCloud last month:
    ATLAS <span class=HammerCloud last month" height="177" src="/twiki/pub/LCGTier2/MeetingSwissGridOperations20190606/Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_10.49.59.png" title="ATLAS HammerCloud last month" width="643" />

  • CSCS_pending-15day:

  • CSCS_pending-15day:
Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_12.06.57.png r1 manage 232.8 K 2019-06-06 - 10:07 GianfrancoSciacca CSCS_pending-15day
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_11.56.52.png r1 manage 159.6 K 2019-06-06 - 09:58 GianfrancoSciacca CSCS_shares-15day
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_11.45.32.png r1 manage 190.5 K 2019-06-06 - 09:54 GianfrancoSciacca CSCS_shares-30day
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_11.37.11.png r1 manage 128.1 K 2019-06-06 - 09:38 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS_delivered_vs_pledge
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_11.17.01.png r1 manage 207.5 K 2019-06-06 - 09:17 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS_CPU
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_11.09.27.png r1 manage 177.4 K 2019-06-06 - 09:10 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS_slots
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_10.49.59.png r1 manage 310.3 K 2019-06-06 - 08:54 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS HammerCloud last month
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_10.28.36.png r1 manage 198.4 K 2019-06-06 - 08:30 GianfrancoSciacca 5month_UNIBE-LHEP
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-06-06_at_10.24.20.png r1 manage 77.9 K 2019-06-06 - 08:37 GianfrancoSciacca WC UNIBE-LHEP
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-06-06 - MichaelRolli
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