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Backlinks to Monitoring in CmsTier3 Web (Search all webs)

Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 06:21 (GMT)

Areca Support WebGUI usage steps to allow web access: # /root/Linuxhttp V2.5.1 180529/x86 64/archttp64 ArchHTTP for setup: http://hostname:81/ or directly the...
Introduction The production is not based on crab, but on 1 3 scripts. It can be run either on the grid or on the T3 batch system. The output is (by default) stored...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 10. 03. 2010 Testing the SEs We want to test different SE setup, and their behaviour under a real user case. For...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 17. 03. 2010 Pool migration from t3fs05 cms to t3fs07 cms migration commands Actuall, I will carry out a pool...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 06. 07. 2010 Worker nodes reading from two Thors at about 800 MB/s Some jobs managed to almost get the theoretical...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 13. 12. 2012 SMARTd configuration change requested after an Hitachi 1TB swap The 1TB Hitachi disks that we inherited...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 19. 12. 2012 Largest directories via Chimera New version Simply consult the daily report: http://t3mon.psi...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 2016 Derek`s handover 1st meeting Make a round in the Data Centre to see the new 10Gbs setup new HPs new...
MAY 2013 To get the Solaris broken disks statistics run: root@t3nagios ~ # /usr/local/bin/disks failure statistics.sh Disk problems on the Thumper/Thor Fileservers...
Slurm GPU Running Jobs Slurm GPU Running vs Pending Jobs Slurm QGPU (quick GPU Partition) Running Jobs Slurm QGPU (quick GPU Partition) Running vs Pending Jobs...
PSI Tier 3 Ganglia installation The installation follows closely the description of the Tier 2 ganglia installation with slightly modified configuration files. The...
How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier 3 To apply for a Tier 3 account please send an email to cms tier3@lists.psi.ch with Subject `account request`....
Shutting down the Tier 3 Before Downtime 1. do announcement in : t3 user list: cms tier3 users #64;lists.psi.ch t3 admin wiki COGDB...
Basic job submission and monitoring on the Tier 3 The Tier 3 cluster is running the Sun Grid Engine batch queueing system. You can submit any shell script to the...
Solaris Installations collection of Solaris commands by zagbot We use Solaris 10 as our default. We had tested OpenSolaris installations in 2008 (OpenSolaris...
Some help on IPMI commands External documentation blog article by Ben Rockwood Sensor readings speeding up commands by first recording status to a cache Commands...
IssueCvmfsFailsToMount Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2015 07 01 Observations cvmfs on t3wn...
IssueDcacheCorruptOSM Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 06 16 Observations NOTE: We are...
IssueDcachePoolHangs Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 12 09 2009 12 10 Observations...
IssueDcacheRead Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 05 07 Observations This happened on a...
IssueDcacheTooManySQLConnections Symptoms Summary: SE cannot be accessed through srm. In t3se01:catalina.out: createConnection(): Got exception org.postgresql...
IssueLEDproblems Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 12 09 2010 01 06 Observations t3fs...
IssueNewWNsKernelPanic Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2012 07 19/22 Observations Out of...
IssueNscdAliasedHostsNotCached Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 06 17 Observations The...
IssueNxSessionStartupFailure Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 12 09 Observations NX...
IssueSRMcallsFailOrGetUnresponsive Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2016 06 09 user complaint...
IssueSenseKey Symptoms Summary: root@t3fs13 ~ # grep sdd /var/log/messages Mar 27 16:28:31 t3fs13.psi.ch kernel: sd 5:0:0:3: sdd Sense Key : Recovered Error...
IssueSolarisFileServerPerformance Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2010 03 05 Observations...
IssueSolarisPatchFail1 Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2008 12 19 Observations On two x...
IssueSrmWrongTurl Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 05 11 Observations SRM read requests...
IssueT3NFS01halt Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2016 09 22 Observations 7185554.009100...
IssueT3WN51reboots Symptoms Summary: cut here kernel BUG at mm/truncate.c:489! invalid opcode: 0000 #1 SMP last sysfs file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/online...
IssueTemplate Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): Observations Solution or Workaround Monitoring...
IssueWhiteScreenNXClient Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2012 03 23 Leo and Fronga report about...
IssueX4500ControllerFailure This issue is treated in the following Sunsolve article: http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey 1 66 233341 1 Solaris 10 x...
IssueZfsNfsExportAcls Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2010 02 18 Bug report from Andrey Starodumov...
Issueeth0DetectedHardwareUnitHang Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): root@t3service01 ~ # grep Detected...
List of Monitorings Nagios Notifications on Icinga Server (for rhel7 nodes) Ganglia Report dCache State: interface Interface...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 3401/udp , CMS central Squid monitoring based on SNMP...
Node Type: Admin info on this node type Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Nagios Check out our t3nagios...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work n.a. Emergency Measures If this VM is really causing issues...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 8649/udp ganglia collector 8670/udp ganglia collector 8671/udp...
Node Type: Serves home directories and experiment`s software directories to t3wn and t3ui servers. Firewall requirements local port open to reason...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Emergency Measures Too many frequent or heavy writes You can identify which user files...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Emergency Measures Installation The Atomicorp RPMs repository...
Node Type: Until today 20th June 2013 t3bdii.psi.ch is currently an alias for t3bdii02.psi.ch that`s a SL6 UMD 2 VM Firewall requirements local port open...
PhEDEx PhEDEx is the data transfer service used by CMS to transfer data sets beween sites. Central Monitoring Plots for last 24h of Agents as seen by the...
Remote Repository Backup This service is only running in beta mode at the moment and does not yet have production level monitoring set up. Purpose Since the shutdown...
Sherpa Integration Project Technical Documentation Introduction This page documents the use of the T3 for the SherpaNLO validation and integration project. This...
Slurm Batch system usage Simple job submission and the concept of queues (partitions) On the Tier 3 you run jobs by submitting them to the Slurm job scheduler. The...
Slurm Utilisation useful commands to Monitor Slurm Plots of Slurm Partitions Usage WN and QUICK GPU and QGPU Load of WNs on t3ganglia...
Second Steering Board Meeting Information and Slides The meeting takes place on Tue, Feb 22nd, 14 16h original poll Location: ETHZ, Building/Room...
Fourth PSI Tier 3 Steering board meeting Venue Date and time: Monday, Feb 11, 14 16h (Page) Location: ETH Hoenggerberg (HPK D32) Slides: by Fabio Martinelli Meeting...
Contacts with SUN/ORACLE for Hardware Problems This page is OBSOLETE because apart from our WNs all the SUN HW is out of warranty. To still get statistics about the...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details During the recent T3 Steering Board meeting held in Dec `14 at ETHZ the T3 Institute representatives agreed about the complete...
May 20 Security updates/measures set `nosuid` flag for shared file systems mount points (/t3home, /work and /pg backup) EGI Trust Anchor release...
Monitoring OBSOLETE This page has been dismantled I leave it active for the moment since it contains some links that still may be interesting Networking and...
CMS Tier 3 Upgrade Planning Page Summary Details before downtime: preparation work 1 Dowtime Announcement to users through mailing list and news...
Slurm WN Partition: Running Jobs Slurm WN Partition: Running vs Waiting Jobs Slurm QUICK Partition: Running Jobs Slurm QUICK Partition: Running vs Waiting...
Welcome to the PSI 1 web News List all news T3 User information Request a T3 account Mailing Lists and Support To receive information about...
1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences User Pages Main Page...
Statistics for CmsTier3 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 63

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