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Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 00:52 (GMT)

Site logs for CMS PSI Tier3 DerekFeichtinger 25 Sep 2008
T3 CH PSI and T2 CH CSCS data sets to be cleaned up Datasets cleaned on Sep 14th, we got back ~40TB between T3 and T2 Please indicate in the leading Keep column...
Collection of useful information about git ToDo for everyone (working on analysis code) 1 create an account on GitHub 1 map your GitHub account with your CERN...
How to work with Storage Element SE clients Storage data (based on dCache) located under directory /pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/store/user/username . Data are...
HowTo use EOS from the PSI Tier 3 Currently the local mounting of EOS has problems. But we can use the command line eos utility For authentication EOS accepts either...
How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier 3 To apply for a Tier 3 account please send an email to cms tier3@lists.psi.ch with Subject `account request`....
How to run local Tier 3 jobs by CRAB2 If you are running on a dataset, it must be stored locally at PSI Tier 3. CRAB3 is the new CRAB !!! Be aware that CRAB2 isn...
How to manage jobs with SGE Utilities SGE provides many command line utilities and a GUI program to Interact With the Sun Grid Engine Software. For the information...
CMS data ordering by Rucio CMS is using Rucio for the data management across sites. Our Tier 3 has the Rucio name T3 CH PSI , the Swiss Tier 2 is accordingly named...
How to retrieve your corrupted or deleted /t3home and /work files Every user can retrieve from snapshots corrupted or deleted files from /t3home or /work...
How to access, set up, and test your account Mailing lists and communication with admins and other users cms tier3 users@lists.psi.ch : list through which we...
Basic job submission and monitoring on the Tier 3 The Tier 3 cluster is running the Sun Grid Engine batch queueing system. You can submit any shell script to the...
How to work in a CMS environment Setting up the CMS environment by /cvmfs /cvmfs is an IT technology developed at CERN to easily distribute the CMSSW releases around...
Node Type: Until today 20th June 2013 t3bdii.psi.ch is currently an alias for t3bdii02.psi.ch that`s a SL6 UMD 2 VM Firewall requirements local port open...
PSI Tier 3 Physics Groups Overview Obsolete information, needs update Note: Each group has a home page on this wiki that can be reached by the link in the Name...
Remote Repository Backup This service is only running in beta mode at the moment and does not yet have production level monitoring set up. Purpose Since the shutdown...
Batch system policies These policies were discussed and endorsed in the steering board meeting of 2011 11 03 Aims The T3 CPUs and Storage resources must be shared...
Searching into /pnfs by dc find To search into /pnfs the T3 users can use dc find with the limitation that the information retrieved will be in the worst case...
Sherpa Integration Project Technical Documentation Introduction This page documents the use of the T3 for the SherpaNLO validation and integration project. This...
Slurm Batch system usage Simple job submission and the concept of queues (partitions) On the Tier 3 you run jobs by submitting them to the Slurm job scheduler. The...
Sun Grid Engine on CMS Tier3 This document describes the planning, installation, and basic configuration of SGE on the PSI Tier3 cluster. The advanced configuration...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Dear Swiss CMS colleagues The PSI CMS Tier 3 cluster is now online. This is the common cluster for CMS members of ETHZ, University...
PSI Tier 3 phase B upgrade slides for ETH meeting on 2010 01 27 (Derek) DerekFeichtinger 2010 01 27
T3 meeting with ETHZ CMS group NinaLoktionova 2019 12 16
CMS T3 CH PSI User Meeting The meeting will take place on Mon, Sep 14 2009, approx. 9:30h An EVO Room in the CMS community will be reserved for external listeners...
Monitoring OBSOLETE This page has been dismantled I leave it active for the moment since it contains some links that still may be interesting Networking and...
Cluster Overview OLD Cluster Overview Cluster Composition and Services Cluster Specs Original Requirements Our requirements document (q.v. our internal CMS Tier...
Policies for the resource allocation on the PSI Tier 3 These policies were agreed upon in the first and second Steering Board meetings. They need revision in...
Understanding Tier 3 storage The Tier 3 offers different kinds of storage and it is important that you understand how to use them to their best advantage. User home...
Working on the PSI CMS Tier 3 The PSI Tier 3 encompasses the following services/machines User Interface: This is a fully operational LCG UI. It enables you...
Working with graphical applications with the NX client application Introduction The NX server/client suite enables you to very efficiently work over the network with...
See also the faster 1
CmsTier3 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CmsTier3 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Statistics for CmsTier3 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
See also the verbose 1 .
Number of topics: 37

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