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LHConCRAY Meeting on 2017-10-03

Agenda (under construction!)

  • 11:15 - Welcome, coffee and agenda
  • 11:30 - Runs 1-to-6 recap
    • Review of defined metrics (45' - Pablo) (one figure per VO per metric per run)
    • Detailed VO view (15' each VO-rep) (per job-type, remarks, etc.)
  • 13:00 - Lunch break
  • 14:15 - Configuration recap & plans (45' - Miguel)
  • 15:00 - Financial/Resource overview (45' - Pablo)
  • 15:45 - Coffee break
  • 16:00 - Discussion, next steps
  • 17:00 - EOF

  • 19:30 - Dinner at Ristorante casa d'Italia, Bühlstrasse 57, 3012 Bern ( https://www.casaitalia.ch/index.php/de/standort )


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Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 1003_LHConCRAY_v3.pdf r1 manage 848.0 K 2017-10-03 - 10:24 ThomasKlijnsma CMS VO report
Unknown file formatpptx 20171003-LHConCRAY-Technical_recap.pptx r1 manage 2793.4 K 2017-10-03 - 09:28 MiguelGila  
Unknown file formatpptx 20171003_-_LHConCRAY_Acceptance_Tests.pptx r1 manage 590.7 K 2017-10-03 - 09:34 PabloFernandez  
PDFpdf LHCb_LHConCRAY_Bern_Oct2017.pdf r1 manage 768.4 K 2017-10-03 - 07:25 RolandBernet LHCb_LHConCRAY_Bern_Oct2017
PDFpdf LHConCRAY-20171003.pdf r1 manage 834.7 K 2017-10-03 - 08:41 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS VO report
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Topic revision: r13 - 2017-10-03 - ThomasKlijnsma
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