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Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021-07-08 at 14:00

Next meeting: 5 August 2021


CSCS reorganisation:

- new WLCG platform integration lead by Miguel - replacing Nick’s at operations

- more details/ charts etc.. on the organisation will be posted by Pablo


- Investigate the discrepancy in storage (1904 vs. 1896 vs. 2100 TB)

  • Rucio dump, we have all details, we need to verify them with Dario
  • maybe a problem with the token update ? Derek seemed to confirm so
- DPM:
  • add all disks on the new server, install dpm stack, then transfer the jobs to the new server and then drop the old one
  • timescale for new disk installation by CSCS ~ next 4 to 8 weeks
  • ATLAS DPM work can begin following this
  • ATLAS would need 180-200 TB of new disk to be set aside for this change (similar to the current size).

- GGUS need to be addressed faster (after 4 days the evidence of the problem is gone)

- some cores got lost (dip in LHCb monitoring) afterwards discrepancy between #jobs seen by LHCb (~2500) and CSCS (~3000)

  • to be checked probably fixed over w/e by an ARC restart

- in waiting room / SAM tests failing

- need someone once a day to check GGUS ticket

- CMS dcache fix implemented with Elia

  • CSCS needs to validate the solution

- all experiments exceeded the pledged

- DPM discussion --> see ATLAS


- discuss the final numbers with Pablo the last week of July

- CHIPP agreed on a “scenario 6” in Pablos xls, meaning:

  • one boost on disk
  • compensated by CPU
  • precise numbers being finalized


Brainstorm meeting for:

- T2 requirements to run on ALPS

- Possible move of the PSI-T3 to ALPS (users access management)

Followup from previous Action Items

Action items




T2 Sites reports



  • steady operation with 2.2x pledge delivery
  • lots of concurrent analysis jobs with thousands of files each caused high pressure on lustre. Decided on a full restart.

T3 Sites reports




  • APEL old Message Broker networks switched off on 8th July 2021. The new ARGO Message Service is used now to publish the accounting data. All CEs in CH have been updated to a version that supports AMS: 6.12.0

  • EGI ARGO Availability/Reliability report for NGI_CH os fopr June 2021

  • Issues with national funding to cover the EGI participation fee and the Operation co-ordination role. A discussion took place, no solutions identified yet.

Review of open tickets

8 of 8 Tickets
Ticket-ID Type VO Site Priority Resp. Unit Status Last Update Subject Scope
152847 atlas CSCS-LCG2 top priority NGI_CH assigned 2021-07-02 DE CSCS-LCG2: High number of job faiures WLCG
152819   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH assigned 2021-07-07 SAM tests for CE failing at T2_CH_CSCS WLCG
152624 lhcb CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH in progress 2021-06-29 Pilots Failed at CSCS-LCG2 WLCG
152070   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH involved assigned 2021-06-14 SAM tests failing at T2_CH_CSCS WLCG
151997   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH assigned 2021-05-14 WebDAV protocol deployed (T2_CH_CSCS) WLCG
151265   cms CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH on hold 2021-04-09 Enabling WebDAV on Production ... WLCG
150373   dune UNIBE-LHEP less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2021-07-08 Enable DUNE queue for CPU and future ... EGI
144485   none CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH assigned in progress 2021-04-14 Upgrade to recent dCache release EGI

  • Attendants
  • CSCS: Miguel, Nick, Pablo, Elia
  • CMS: Derek, Mauro
  • ATLAS: Steven
  • LHCb: Roland
  • EGI:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ATLAST2ReportJun2021.pdf r1 manage 396.5 K 2021-07-08 - 10:17 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS CH Tier2 report
PDFpdf CHIPPreportJul2021.pdf r1 manage 1418.8 K 2021-07-08 - 07:23 NickCardo CSCS Site Report
PDFpdf dcache-cms-access-changes-20210706.pdf r1 manage 545.6 K 2021-07-08 - 11:28 DerekFeichtinger dcache authz/authn change proposal
PDFpdf wlcg-swissops-cms-20210708.pdf r2 r1 manage 2339.9 K 2021-07-08 - 11:56 DerekFeichtinger CMS Report
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Topic revision: r11 - 2021-07-09 - StevenSchramm
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