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Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 05:29 (GMT)

Procedure to recreate the scratch filesystem There are two steps to recreate the scratch filesystem. 1 Recreate the filesystem structure: Make sure that the following...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Model name text 10 Model name, in short form. How you usually call it, without the manufacturer...
Hardware Card for XXXX Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about. Disk...
Hardware Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use HardwareCardTemplate that include the HardwareCardForm PabloFernandez...
Hardware Card for IBM DS3500 Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Hardware Card for IBM DCS3700 Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Hardware Card for NetApp E5500B Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Phoenix Hardware and OS related services description Here are described the infrastructure services run on, together with procedures related to them, drivers, incompatibilities...
Hadware Inventory and Connections of Phase C Purpose: This page describes the current physical hardware configuration on per rack basis. Documenting VLAN/color scheme...
Hardware Card for Storage Elements (Thors and Thumpers) The raid setup on the thors and thumpers RAID configuration Here is how the raids are set up on Storage Elements...
Hardware Card for Sun Blades 6048 This is a description for a 12 blade case full of blades. Each blade is model X6275, and each has two computers inside. Each computer...
Hardware Card for Thors Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about. Disk...
Hardware Card for Sun Thumper X4500 This is our old Storage node for dCache with 48 disks inside Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on...
Hot topics List of the most relevant changes from both CSCS and the Experiment side that can affect operations Date and ime : CERN General page with the...
How to install a machine with Razor This is a description of how to use Razor to install a system, it`s a WORK IN PROGRESS. All this commands are to be executed in...
Number of topics: 15

Topic revision: r132 - 2019-04-12 - PabloFernandez
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