T2_CH_CSCS CMS Information

User Information

Administrator information for running the local site

External admin relevant information

CMS Requirements

  • Batch system related requirements
    • Heavy ion production users NEW
      • CMS wants to introduce role=hiproduction for the MC production of heavy ion events (q.v. Talk by T. Kress). Most probably we just can map them to the existing cmsprod pool accounts (depends on local communities. TODO: ask Swiss community).
    • Priority users
      • A limited number of users for every CMS physics group can take the Priority User VOMS role (role=priorityuser). These should be mapped to a group of local system users (e.g. priorityuser01, ...). These should get a higher priority than normal CMS users. Current proposal is to give the sum of the (few) priority users the same priority as the sum of the CMS analysis users: production / priorityuser / analysisuser = 0.5 / 0.25 / 0.25. Questions can be asked from hn-cms-analysisoperations@cern.ch.
      • central Twiki page indicating readiness, to be filled out by us. Also, look at talk by T. Kress at FacOps 2009-09-28
  • CMS job I/O requirements
  • Storage related requirements

Interesting Talks and links on Tier-2 relevant technologies

old information

-- DerekFeichtinger - 24 Apr 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IanFiskSlides-20080925.pdf r1 manage 400.8 K 2008-10-16 - 11:50 DerekFeichtinger CMS storage organization
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-gpfs.pdf r1 manage 1056.7 K 2009-04-24 - 07:17 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-hadoop.pdf r1 manage 1552.1 K 2009-04-24 - 07:19 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-lustre.pdf r1 manage 489.6 K 2009-04-24 - 07:18 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf t2-optim-giacinto_Donvito-20091030.pdf r1 manage 5219.8 K 2009-10-30 - 11:04 DerekFeichtinger dcache to Lustre/Storm comparison
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Topic revision: r32 - 2010-10-06 - DerekFeichtinger
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