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Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 08:19 (GMT)

Service Card for GPFS Disk failure/replacement If a disk fails, there is a cron script that should check it (every five minutes) and remove it with mmdeldisk automatically...
Service Card for Swiss National ARGUS This is the configuration page for the Swiss National ARGUS system, deployed at CSCS. Definition Operations Client tools...
Service Card for EMI APEL Definition APEL is the system that collects all the accounting statistics of Phoenix and pushes them to EGI central accounting database...
Service Card for Nordugrid Arc CE It`s the entry point for Nordugrid jobs, very common within Switzerland Definition Operations Client tools arcinfo allows...
Service Card for Argus Short description about the service. Definition Argus is a system meant to render consistent authorization decisions for distributed services...
Service Card for BDII Definition Our site BDII host is bdii.lcg.cscs.ch which is a DNS alias for sbdii 01 03 . The three site bdiis are set up in High Availability...
Service Card for CVMFS CVMFS is a package running on the WNs that needs a squid proxy to cache requests. Definition Currently, the host in which the squid for cvmfs...
Service Card for XXXX Short description about the service. Definition What does the service do, and how does it do it. Main purpose List of internal components...
Phoenix Service definition Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use ServiceCardTemplate that include the ServiceCardForm...
Service Card for CREAM CE/ARGUS Definition The CREAM CE system is the entry point for jobs in a WLCG site. User submit jobs to CREAM CEs and they are responsible...
Service Card for dCache dCache is our mass Grid Storage resource. It serves more than 1 Petabyte of space to all VOs, mainly using GridFTP and dcap access protocols...
Service Card for GPFS2 This is the service page for the GPFS2 scratch filesystem. Operations Server tools PDSH commands can be launched from phoenix1.lcg.cscs...
Service Card for LRMS Definition SLURM is the cornerstone of job submission. It`s a piece of software that needs to run all the time and it is configured as follows...
Service Card for Login This is the service card for Login nodes in Phoenix: phoenix1 , phoenix2 and ui . Definition At the time of writing these lines, there...
Service Card for Monitoring Short description about the service. Definition What does the service do, and how does it do it. Main purpose List of internal...
Service Card for NFS ha nfs setup: If something goes wrong on one, go to the other machine and type /usr/lib64/heartbeat/hb takeover foreign once you think...
Service Card for Worker Node Definition At the time of writing these notes, all Worker Nodes are configured as follows: Scientific Linux 6.5 x86 64 In kernel...
LCGTier2 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LCGTier2 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Number of topics: 18

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