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Results from Main web retrieved at 07:26 (GMT)

My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
AtlasAdminGroup Member list: Set GROUP GianfrancoSciacca Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE AtlasAdminGroup...
CMSAdminGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, MauroDonega, MarcCaubet, ElsaGermann, HansViessmann, AchimGsell, ClemensLange Persons/group...
CMSAdminReaderGroup Member list: Set GROUP ChristophWissing, GianfrancoSciacca Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
CMSUserGroup Member list: Set GROUP ChristophGrab, DanekKotlinski, DerekFeichtinger, DfeichtestDtester, MainUrsL, JoannaWeng , UrsLangenegger, DanieleBonacorsi...
ChippComputingBoardGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ChristophGrab, SigveHaug, RolandBernet, GianfrancoSciacca Persons/group who...
CmsT3SteeringBoardGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ChristophGrab, UrsLangenegger, DanekKotlinski, ErnestAguilo, JoosepPata, FrankMeier...
LCGAdminGroup DarioPetrusic DinoConciatore Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ChristophGrab, RolandBernet, PabloFernandez, GianfrancoSciacca...
LHConCRAYGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, SigveHaug, ChristophGrab, RolandBernet, DanielMeister, JoosepPata, PabloFernandez, GianfrancoSciacca...
LhcbAdminGroup Member list: Set GROUP RolandBernet, DerekFeichtinger, StephaneTourneur Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
LhcbUserGroup Member list: Set GROUP RolandBernet, DerekFeichtinger, StephaneTourneur Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
2017 02 7 7 4 1674 1329 17 1262 513806(11 unique users) 34(10 unique users) 1(1 unique users) 3452.6 1208.0 49% 87...
SunGuestGroup Member list: Set GROUP DanielFelder Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE SunGuestGroup Related...
TWiki Administrator Group Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, PabloFernandez, MiguelGila, GianniRicciardi, DarioPetrusic...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
FirstName LastName Email WikiName Elsa Germann elsa.germann #64;psi.ch ElsaGermann Hans Viessmann hans nikolai.viessmann #64;psi.ch HansViessmann...
Report for Bulk Register Registering ElsaGermann ElsaGermann has been added to the password and user mapping managers Writing topic ElsaGermann RegistrationHandler...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
XrayGridAdminGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ClemensKoerdt, FernandoCalvelo Persons/group who can change the list: Set...
XrayGridUserGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ClemensKoerdt, FernandoCalvelo Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
Number of topics: 20

Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 07:26 (GMT)

Site logs for CMS PSI Tier3 DerekFeichtinger 25 Sep 2008
Go to next page of Tier3 site log 25. 09. 2008 Testing of PhEDEx service for the PSI Tier 3 I activated the PhEDEx service yesterday after removing some difficulties...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 06. 10. 2008 Test user feedback In the week of Oct 6th we are working with test users to get the user environment...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 17. 03. 2010 Pool migration from t3fs05 cms to t3fs07 cms migration commands Actuall, I will carry out a pool...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 01. 06. 2010 Implementing the ZFS incremental snapshot backup The naive send/recv approach has terrible performance...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 11. 06. 2010 Second breakdown of t3ui01 in 7 days 808 Fri Jun 11 11:51:41 2010 IPMI Log minor...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 28. 06. 2010 Bandwidth measurement between CSCS and PSI Tier 3 Using the following machines: se39.lcg.cscs...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 06. 07. 2010 Worker nodes reading from two Thors at about 800 MB/s Some jobs managed to almost get the theoretical...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 15. 01. 2011 Three breakdowns of t3ui01 in 2 days t3ui01 went for the second time into a hanging state. The SP...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 25. 10. 2011 Workernode to fileserver throughput. About 8MB/s per job Go to previous page / next page of Tier...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 16. 10. 2008 Out of memory problem impacting t3wn06 Ganglia and other services have been impacted since a few days...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 14. 03. 2012 Network tests of the new 10GbE attached file servers for the IS5500 Tests between t3fs13 and t3fs...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 30. 07. 2012 Dealing with the fallout from the new memory limits Analyzing maximal memory usage of the last few...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 25. 11. 2008 Thumper Fileserver t3fs03 problems Dcache pools on the node were marked as unavailable. A listing...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 25. 02. 2009 Worker Node to Fileserver write throughput We currently have three Thumpers active in dcache. T. Punz...
Go to previous page / next page of Tier3 site log 25. 05. 2009 OS patching and reconfiguration of some X4500s All machines have difficulties in getting new patches...
CERNLIB installation Get CERNLIB from http://cernlib.web.cern.ch/cernlib/ There exist binary tarballs and primitve RPMS (not based on SRPMs that compile, they just...
NOTE: Installations are best done directly on the NFS server t3nfs01. They must be done as user cmssgm!!! CMSSW installation on the Tier 3 Central CMS documentation...
dCache configurator We use a script create PoolConf.pl which generates most of the basic configuration for the Pools. The script can be found under https://svn.cscs...
dCache Upgrade Problem 1.8.12 to 1.9.5 gridFTP transfers work, but on every SRM interaction I find in the /opt/d cache/libexec/apache tomcat 5.5.20/logs/catalina...
dCache documentation snippets from mails, etc. Good external links to documentation and tools FAQ on the official trac wiki notes on dCache ItalianT2Tools...
Pool Migration External documentation dcache book: http://www.dcache.org/manuals/Book/cookbook/cb pool migration.shtml Example for copying pool t3fs05 cms to...
Interacting with the ELOM/ILOM ELOM is the older version of the service processor`s firmware while ILOM is the name of the current versions. reference sheet by...
Links to external documentation on the Tier 3 Hardware Blade 6000 Modular System http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/prod/blade.x6270?l en a view Sun Blade...
Physics Group Form Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Name text 50 official CMS group name M Responsible User...
PSI Tier 3 Ganglia installation The installation follows closely the description of the Tier 2 ganglia installation with slightly modified configuration files. The...
Signup procedure to GOC as a ROC DECH member NOTE: THIS IS OBSOLETE INFORMATION WHICH IS MAINLY KEPT FOR HISTORICAL REASONS. EGI replaces most of these addresses...
Title From the old glite 3.1 (?) node /opt/glite/etc/vomses `vo.nedm.cyfronet.pl` `voms.cyf kr.edu.pl` `15007` `/C PL/O GRID/O Cyfronet/CN voms.cyf kr.edu.pl` `vo...
ILOM upgrade problem of X4150 machines 2009 05 27 Upgrade from Also refer to the last update (FirmwareBiosUpdate) SP firmware SP firmware build number:...
Informations on X4500 and X4540 Solaris X4540 setup use of the flash card Interesting discussion where it is argumented that by using ZFS on the flash card...
Solaris Installations collection of Solaris commands by zagbot We use Solaris 10 as our default. We had tested OpenSolaris installations in 2008 (OpenSolaris...
Solaris UFS partitioning and RAID mirroring for the X4500 My first try at getting a Solaris partitioning (most of this is taken from an howto by www.gravity.phy.syr...
Some help on IPMI commands External documentation blog article by Ben Rockwood Sensor readings speeding up commands by first recording status to a cache Commands...
IssueCvmfsFailsToMount Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2015 07 01 Observations cvmfs on t3wn...
IssueDcacheCorruptOSM Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 06 16 Observations NOTE: We are...
IssueDcachePoolHangs Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 12 09 2009 12 10 Observations...
IssueDcacheRead Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 05 07 Observations This happened on a...
IssueDcacheSrmRead Problem Description SRMv1 read from the SE fails, even though globus url copy of the same file from the SE as well as from the pool node directly...
IssueDcacheSrmRead2 Symptoms Summary: Case 1 Observations srmcp fails because the clients receives a wrong TURL srmcp debug srm://t3se01.psi.ch:8443/srm/managerv...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Affected Service text 100 M Symptom summary text 100 M Reason Understood...
IssueLEDproblems Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 12 09 2010 01 06 Observations t3fs...
IssueNscdAliasedHostsNotCached Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 06 17 Observations The...
IssueNxSessionStartupFailure Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 12 09 Observations NX...
IssueSolarisFileServerPerformance Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2010 03 05 Observations...
IssueSolarisPatchFail1 Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2008 12 19 Observations On two x...
IssueSrmWrongTurl Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2009 05 11 Observations SRM read requests...
IssueTemplate Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): Observations Solution or Workaround Monitoring...
IssueX4500ControllerFailure This issue is treated in the following Sunsolve article: http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey 1 66 233341 1 Solaris 10 x...
IssueZfsNfsExportAcls Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2010 02 18 Bug report from Andrey Starodumov...
This page is an up to date version of ObtainingHostCertificates Obtaining host certificates for Grid servers Certificates now agaim come from QuoVadis. Their services...
Issue Tracker Obsolete Items: Note IssueForm IssueTemplate DerekFeichtinger 2009 11 19
All News DerekFeichtinger 12 May 2009
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 20000 25000/tcp Globus port range for gridftp data streams Regular Maintenance...
Thumper local port to switch port mappings and trunking tests Local port to switch port mappings These mappings are needed for correctly configuring the switch...
Obtaining host certificates for Grid servers Our host certificates are issued by the SWITCH CA (using the QuoVadis service). Go here for the web interface for the...
Solutions to Operational Issues daily check of slurm Even though many problems are signalled through mails by Icinga, I also prefer to have a look each morning on...
PhEDEx PhEDEx is the data transfer service used by CMS to transfer data sets beween sites. Central Monitoring Plots for last 24h of Agents as seen by the...
Title DerekFeichtinger 2009 11 18
PSI Tier 3 Steering board meeting Meeting Date and Location Time and date: Thu, Nov 3rd, 10:30 12:30h (poll) Location: ETH Hoenggerberg, HPK D32 (map) Proposed...
Fourth PSI Tier 3 Steering board meeting Venue Date and time: Monday, Feb 11, 14 16h (Page) Location: ETH Hoenggerberg (HPK D32) Slides: by Fabio Martinelli Meeting...
Contacts with SUN/ORACLE for Hardware Problems This page is OBSOLETE because apart from our WNs all the SUN HW is out of warranty. To still get statistics about the...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary OpenSolaris problems An update to OpenSolaris rendered the systems unbootable. This is a major point against using this OS, even though...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Storage : The OpenSolaris problems are now understood, and we can work around them. We will start the service with just...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Running Jobs Please read the HowToSubmitJobs topic which also gives some details about the status of CRAB jobs. Ordering...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Dear Swiss CMS colleagues The PSI CMS Tier 3 cluster is now online. This is the common cluster for CMS members of ETHZ, University...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Filesystem quotas have been enforced to protect the system. Each user may normally use 15GB of /shome directory space. He...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details The details for this upgrade can be seen in UpgradePlanning200905141314
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details The downtime was used to reinstall a current Solaris 10 version on t3fs05. We used the downtime furthermore for a number of...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details In short: all the worker nodes have been upgraded to SL5 the old SL4 UI on t3ui01 stays the same, so that people...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Dear users We finally were able to solve the problems for the major upgrade of our storage management software in a virtual...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details The worker nodes t3wn11 t3wn29 have been upgraded to 24 GB memory per node (3GB per CPU core). The cluster queuing system...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Details on the new policies you can find here.
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details New walltime limits for all.q and long.q The ALL.Q will be our queue for MEDIUM LENGTH jobs, and it will have a runtime limit...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Dear T3 users Major upgrades to the storage and compute infrastructure of the T3 require a complete exchange of the current...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Main purpose of this downtime is the upgrade of some dCache components that got very old in respect of the others CMS sites...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Dear Users Since the too frequent taking of snapshots has led time and time again to problems with users not being able to...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details We would like to carry out this operation on Monday afternoon, 13:30h. It will require a complete shutting down of the storage...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Message from 7. 7. 2017 Dear Users We need to replace a HW component for the central home storage server. The parts are ordered...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Please look at these pages Tier3Storage HowToRetrieveBackupFiles
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details These are the first nodes in our cluster based on the AMD EPYC architecture. For the first days we will just run them in a...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details I wish you a happy and productive new year. as every year, PSI is conducting the big compute center test (`Schaltertest`)...
PSI Tier 3 phase B upgrade slides for ETH meeting on 2010 01 27 (Derek) DerekFeichtinger 2010 01 27
CMS T3 CH PSI User Meeting The meeting will take place on Mon, Sep 14 2009, approx. 9:30h An EVO Room in the CMS community will be reserved for external listeners...
Cluster Overview OLD Cluster Overview Cluster Composition and Services Cluster Specs Original Requirements Our requirements document (q.v. our internal CMS Tier...
Working on the PSI CMS Tier 3 The PSI Tier 3 encompasses the following services/machines User Interface: This is a fully operational LCG UI. It enables you...
Complete Upgrade planning and Upgrade logging history Note: The Upgrade planning twiki functionality is based on the UpgradePlanningTemplate and UpgradePlanningForm...
Working with graphical applications with the NX client application Introduction The NX server/client suite enables you to very efficiently work over the network with...
Statistics for CmsTier3 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 97

Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 07:26 (GMT)

ATLAS Site Logs for T2 CH CSCS Note: Created pages use defaults from AtlasSiteLogTemplate DerekFeichtinger 24 Jul 2009
24. 07. 2009 Repetition of Hammercloud exercise Original letter roughly describing the exercise from Guenter Duckeck (LMU Muenchen) from July 16, 2009: Dear all...
Setup of software in the experimental software area CMS The installations are launched centrally as grid jobs by the CMS administrators. External Information...
T2 CH CSCS CMS Information User Information (mostly OBSOLETE!!!!) User Information: Help and examples on how to work on the CSCS Tier 2 to physics groups...
Information for CMS Users of the PHOENIX cluster Where can I obtain a Grid certificate? If you have a CERN NICE account, it is best to get a certificate from CERN...
CMS Site logs for T2 CH CSCS Some special activities FTS channel debugging (Sep 2006) Throughput tests (Dec 2006) DerekFeichtinger 16 July...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log Empty placeholder DerekFeichtinger 2009 09 17 Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log
CMS SC4 Site log for PHOENIX cluster June July 2006: Go to next page of CMS site log 31. 5. 2006 srmcp problems, FTS request Lots of intermittent problems of all...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 18 20. 2. 2008 Update and reconfiguration of dCache Since ATLAS needs space token functionality, the dCache had...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log CCRC08 General impression Most of CCRC08 went quite well for T2 CH CSCS. No major technical problems were observed...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 6. 6. 2008 Analysis Jobs reading at 35 MB/s per Job from our Storage ~50 Jobs from Florian Bechtel managed to read...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 04. 09. 2008 PhEDEx problem with exports of a dataset to FZK Summary: The dataset /QCD Pt 80 120/CMSSW 1 6 7 JobRobot...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 25. 06. 2009 STEP09 Analysis exercises Evaluation of the analysis exercise I would consider the exercise a success...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 24. 06. 2009 Migration of se05 cms dcache pool files to other pools with the shelltools Introduction Note: We do...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 31. 08. 2009 Good transfer quality on first Analysis Operations transfers /PhotonJet Pt30/Summer09 MC 31X V...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 17. 09. 2009 lcg cp stageout problems from CRAB jobs NOTE : This problem was reported on this hypernews item. The...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 19. 09. 2009 Steady PhEDEx Throughput of 100 MB/s over last 12 hours while rearranging pools! Even though we were...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 23. 09. 2009 phedex data service: TFC and LFN mappings. Some problematic sites In order to test another problem,...
CMS SC4 Site log for PHOENIX cluster August ? 2006: Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 14. 8. 2006 Workaround for DPM / VOMS issue Solved the DPM...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 16. 04. 2010 Full T2 T2 interconnectivity testing downloads to T2 CH CSCS All error details of sites with only errors...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 03. 08. 2010 High phedex throughput of ca. 20 TB/day (mainly from FNAL) generated on Tue Aug 3 08:45:01 CEST...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 08. 10. 2010 Phedex agent dying at irregular intervals Since the security kernel and SW packages update of last week...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 11. 11. 2010 CMS production jobs starving in the queue Problem formulation The site is completely filled with uscmspilot...
CMS CSA06 Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 6. 10. 2006 Many failures due to permissions problem FIXED Came back from...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 10. 2. 2007 Cleaning of data sets from SE I cleaned several data sets from our...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 9. 3. 2007 DPM service crash due to automatic updates requiring manual intervention...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 2. 4. 2007 Load Tests on new dCache SE We brought the new dCache based SE into...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 26. 9. 2007 System status at beginning of CSA07 Worker nodes: We currently have...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 16. 10. 2007 Comparison of dashboard monitoring output and CSCS local monitoring and logs Note: Julia Andreeva...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 01. 02. 2008 Comparison of dashboard monitoring output and CSCS local monitoring. A first comparison had been done...
Throughput Tests Throughput tests to find maximal effective bandwidth and optimum conditions for specific channels. These tests are done with low level tools to discover...
Skims to be transfered to CSCS for CSA07 Available space for CMS at CSCS for CSA07: 22 TB Note: we cannot fill the SE completely, because we need some storage...
How to check the CSCS Tier 2 status for CMS site contacts / site managers This is a small routine which should be performed once a day by the responsible CMS site...
CMS Data Sets to Keep/Delete Table Instructions: Please put a D for `delete` or a K for `keep` in the rows where you want to make a decision. You do not need to...
CMS VObox Machine name Firewall requirements port open to reason 80/tcp access to our custom PhEDEx monitoring pages 3128/tcp...
Communication Channels between CSCS and CHIPP Twiki Advantages: can optimally present information, full layout control multiple people can collaborate on...
dCache Shellutils Introduction The Shellutils are a collection of shell scripts which just pipe commands via ssh to the admin shell and then parse the output. They...
Test descriptions for the dCache tests Attached to this page you will find a small script which tests the different protocols test dCacheProtocols.sh. This is mainly...
FTS (STAR CSCS) Channel debugging In August the channel worked fine for some interactive tries. I configured PhEDEx to use it and let it run a few days. The amount...
Converting a PKCS#12 certificate (from your browser) to PEM format: Save the key/certificate from your browser into a file (I`ll use the name mycert.p12 here...
IssueSrmWriteProblem Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): We noticed the problem from 2008 09 04 on...
All News Items DerekFeichtinger 2010 11 10
Schema and discussion for network / dCache setup in Phase C network/dCache services schema This will be updated as the discussion progresses. basic situation...
KeyWords: SysAdmin Issues of our 1.9.3 3 dcache installation gPlazma problems Note: Filed as dcache support request #5119 on 2009 09 24. I am trying to debug an...
Phoenix Ganglia configuration Note: All configuration files, non standard startup files and gmetric scripts needed for this ganglia cluster are kept in the CSCS...
Swiss WLCG Experts Workshop A workshop for the experts from the experiments (mainly experimental site contacts) and the experts from CSCS. The focus is on the technology...
Phoenix Monitoring Overview This is a custom view of the most important sensors. Note: The now values printed at the bottom of some graphs are not correct. Worker...
Presentations and public Documents You can find the documents attached to this page. DerekFeichtinger 04 Mar 2006
Collected CPU and Storage Specs for all Swiss WLCG attached centers CSCS Tier 2 From PhoenixSetupAndSpecs T3 CH PSI From Tier3Overview UZH LHCb Tier 3 The Tier...
Discussion about the upgrade of WNs to SL(C)5 Summary sheet CERN wiki page on the migration and known issues Interim consensus for WN model: `SL5, 64bit...
Service Challenge Information Site logs for Phoenix for CMS for ATLAS CMS October Exercise 2009 STEP09 Post Mortem workshop services versions...
Throughput Tests with ASGC These throughput tests were done with Jason Shih, Chia Ming Kuo and Aries Hung. April 30th 2007 Route, RTT and packet loss traceroute...
Throughput Tests with ASGC These throughput tests were done with Jason Shih, Chia Ming Kuo and Aries Hung. The doIperf.sh was run from a Linux 2.6 kernel system...
Throughput Tests with FNAL These throughput tests were performed with the help of Matt Crawford and Mark Bowden from FNAL. The first few tests were done running iperf...
Throughput Tests with FZK These throughput tests were performed together with Bruno Hoeft. Route, RTT and packet loss traceroute to f01 110 107 e.gridka.de (...
Transfer Exercises Preparations 1. Log into your account at ui.lcg.cscs.ch 1. Get these two command reference files: and https://wiki.chipp.ch/twiki/pub...
Upgrade planning Form Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Title text 50 M Summary textarea 250 M...
VO Requirements for the Tier 2 This page should collect information on the requirements that the VOs put on a Tier 2. Mainly, it should help to find the relevant documents...
Statistics for LCGTier2 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 59

Results from LCGTier2/PhaseC web retrieved at 07:26 (GMT)

Statistics for LCGTier2/PhaseC Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic...
Number of topics: 1

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