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Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 04:42 (GMT)

For the Phoenix Masters ATLAS Site Contact please contact for any questions Marc.Goulette #64;unige.ch , gianfranco.sciacca #64;lhep.unibe.ch Backup...
Action Items Action items Legend: number. title (added: date, done:date) / / / Last update 12.03.2020 1. Reduce ATLAS dips within the box: (added: 16....
Activities Overview from September 2010 to August 2011 Here are described the most important activities performed in Phoenix Cluster since Summer 2010 to Summer...
Activities Overview of 2013 Q1 Q2 Almost one year after the move to a new datacenter and the main objective of this period has been to continue the stable operations...
ATLAS GPU Challenge on 2020 03 05 ################################# CSCS Meeting room 3rd floor (LCA)Join by Zoom meeting: https://cscs.zoom.us/my/cscsmr3f Host...
ATLAS Site Logs for T2 CH CSCS Note: Created pages use defaults from AtlasSiteLogTemplate DerekFeichtinger 24 Jul 2009
24. 07. 2009 Repetition of Hammercloud exercise Original letter roughly describing the exercise from Guenter Duckeck (LMU Muenchen) from July 16, 2009: Dear all...
Benchmarks Hardware CPU Executeable HEPSPEC06 Spec2k Clock speed MHz L2 L3 cache size grand total, KB Cores (runs) HT on/off...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup, LHConCRAYGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Contention of find/du/ls operations on a shared filesystem. Useful commands dsh g WN `cat /var/log/hallofblame.log grep `Sat Apr 30` wc l` 2 /dev/null awk...
Move to Lugano This is a compendium of things to consider when moving to the new building in Lugano. Details on the new building 12 water cooled racks per island...
Prioritized TODO list for Phoenix until February 2017 In order to properly schedule the work derived from our last MeetingCHIPPCSCSFaceToFace20160901 meeting together...
Setup of software in the experimental software area CMS The installations are launched centrally as grid jobs by the CMS administrators. External Information...
T2 CH CSCS CMS Information User Information (mostly OBSOLETE!!!!) User Information: Help and examples on how to work on the CSCS Tier 2 to physics groups...
Information for CMS Users of the PHOENIX cluster Where can I obtain a Grid certificate? If you have a CERN NICE account, it is best to get a certificate from CERN...
https://github.com/jpata/cms ch ops Lists to follow https://cms logbook.cern.ch/elog/ special account is needed follow hn cms comp ops #64;cern.ch and...
CMS Site logs for T2 CH CSCS Some special activities FTS channel debugging (Sep 2006) Throughput tests (Dec 2006) DerekFeichtinger 16 July...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log Empty placeholder DerekFeichtinger 2009 09 17 Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log
CMS SC4 Site log for PHOENIX cluster June July 2006: Go to next page of CMS site log 31. 5. 2006 srmcp problems, FTS request Lots of intermittent problems of all...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 18 20. 2. 2008 Update and reconfiguration of dCache Since ATLAS needs space token functionality, the dCache had...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log CCRC08 General impression Most of CCRC08 went quite well for T2 CH CSCS. No major technical problems were observed...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 6. 6. 2008 Analysis Jobs reading at 35 MB/s per Job from our Storage ~50 Jobs from Florian Bechtel managed to read...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 04. 09. 2008 PhEDEx problem with exports of a dataset to FZK Summary: The dataset /QCD Pt 80 120/CMSSW 1 6 7 JobRobot...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 25. 06. 2009 STEP09 Analysis exercises Evaluation of the analysis exercise I would consider the exercise a success...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 24. 06. 2009 Migration of se05 cms dcache pool files to other pools with the shelltools Introduction Note: We do...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 31. 08. 2009 Good transfer quality on first Analysis Operations transfers /PhotonJet Pt30/Summer09 MC 31X V...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 17. 09. 2009 lcg cp stageout problems from CRAB jobs NOTE : This problem was reported on this hypernews item. The...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 19. 09. 2009 Steady PhEDEx Throughput of 100 MB/s over last 12 hours while rearranging pools! Even though we were...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 23. 09. 2009 phedex data service: TFC and LFN mappings. Some problematic sites In order to test another problem,...
CMS SC4 Site log for PHOENIX cluster August ? 2006: Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 14. 8. 2006 Workaround for DPM / VOMS issue Solved the DPM...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 25. 09. 2009 Retransfer of missing blocks of Summer09 datasets List of lost blocks: lostBlocks summer09.list: list...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 02. 10. 2009 CMS October Exercise Central Space Transfers Subscribed by AnalysisOps: SD DoublePhoton10 v1...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 16. 04. 2010 Full T2 T2 interconnectivity testing downloads to T2 CH CSCS All error details of sites with only errors...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 03. 08. 2010 High phedex throughput of ca. 20 TB/day (mainly from FNAL) generated on Tue Aug 3 08:45:01 CEST...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 20. 09. 2010 High throughput (~200 MB/s) sustained for ~24h from various sites quantity rates.png: quality...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 08. 10. 2010 Phedex agent dying at irregular intervals Since the security kernel and SW packages update of last week...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 11. 11. 2010 CMS production jobs starving in the queue Problem formulation The site is completely filled with uscmspilot...
CMS CSA06 Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 6. 10. 2006 Many failures due to permissions problem FIXED Came back from...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 10. 2. 2007 Cleaning of data sets from SE I cleaned several data sets from our...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 9. 3. 2007 DPM service crash due to automatic updates requiring manual intervention...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 2. 4. 2007 Load Tests on new dCache SE We brought the new dCache based SE into...
CMS Site Log for PHOENIX Cluster Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 26. 9. 2007 System status at beginning of CSA07 Worker nodes: We currently have...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 16. 10. 2007 Comparison of dashboard monitoring output and CSCS local monitoring and logs Note: Julia Andreeva...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log 01. 02. 2008 Comparison of dashboard monitoring output and CSCS local monitoring. A first comparison had been done...
Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log Title Go to previous page / next page of CMS site log
Throughput Tests Throughput tests to find maximal effective bandwidth and optimum conditions for specific channels. These tests are done with low level tools to discover...
Skims to be transfered to CSCS for CSA07 Available space for CMS at CSCS for CSA07: 22 TB Note: we cannot fill the SE completely, because we need some storage...
Change parentship in a quick manner You need to copy this to the page you want to be the parent, and search for the thing you want. This is the table to search for...
Official How To How To Prepare Chimera We need a working pristine chimera installation in the target host. Chech ServiceDcache to know how to (everything but don...
CHIPP Computing Board Meeting of Thu, July 1st 2010 The meeting will be held from 10 13h at the ETH Zurich (Building) in Room HG E 33.5 (equipped with a Beamer) Agenda...
It`s possible to run out of pool accounts in the CE. You would probably see a message like this in /var/log/globus gatekeeper.log LCMAPS 7: 2010 05 19.21:47:12....
CMS Box Real machine name cms02.lcg.cscs.ch Firewall requirements port open to reason 3128/tcp WN access from WNs to FroNtier squid...
How to check the CSCS Tier 2 status for CMS site contacts / site managers This is a small routine which should be performed once a day by the responsible CMS site...
CMS Data Sets to Keep/Delete Table Instructions: Please put a D for `delete` or a K for `keep` in the rows where you want to make a decision. You do not need to...
CMS VObox Machine name Firewall requirements port open to reason 80/tcp access to our custom PhEDEx monitoring pages 3128/tcp...
Communication Channels between CSCS and CHIPP Twiki Advantages: can optimally present information, full layout control multiple people can collaborate on...
KeyWords: (see the KeyWords page for guidelines on what to put here.) Comparison between Xen, VMWare and KVM Disk performance Xen The test is done over /root,...
Requirements for new Configuration Management System Reasons for changing (or rethinking our setup) Our CFEngine is getting old. A new version is out, and it...
Migration from dCache 1.9.12 to 2.2.10 (STEP BY STEP) Create testbed 1 Copy the following files and md5sum them: 1 Preproduction: cd /home/miguelgi/dcache...
dCache Migration to 2.6 from 2.2 The official upgrade notes can be found on the dCache website at the link below http://www.dcache.org/manuals/upgrade/upgrade 2....
dCache Utilities dCap The standard `dccp` is the only client side utility that is provided through the download pages. We have extended it. As a first version, it...
dCache Full Restart procedure Some times there is a need to restart dCache from zero, most likely because you don`t know how to start it up. This document shows how...
dCache Shellutils Introduction The Shellutils are a collection of shell scripts which just pipe commands via ssh to the admin shell and then parse the output. They...
Test descriptions for the dCache tests Attached to this page you will find a small script which tests the different protocols test dCacheProtocols.sh. This is mainly...
Diskless Install Create the image Make a directory to work in mkdir /tmp/diskless Install the release package yumdownload sl release rpm root /tmp/diskless ivh...
PabloFernandez 2010 05 26 Some times the mail command doesn`t work from a machine. This is probably due to postfix misconfig. To solve it, so: postalias /etc/aliases...
Experiment Software Area Requirements Disk space: ATLAS: 250 GB CMS: 250 GB (? not specified in VO card) LHCb: 150 GB Total:...
FTS (STAR CSCS) Channel debugging In August the channel worked fine for some interactive tries. I configured PhEDEx to use it and let it run a few days. The amount...
gLite File Transfer Service FTS knowledge base CSCS specific information The current FTS model foresees dedicated channels for T1 T2 channels, and so called STAR...
Forms and Templates This page is the parent of all Forms and Templates used in the Web. Here is the list: PabloFernandez 2011 01 19
Collecting ganglia monitoring records Preparation steps: 1. Login as root and create a regular user account on host mon lcg.projects.cscs.ch 1. Login as user...
Converting a PKCS#12 certificate (from your browser) to PEM format: Save the key/certificate from your browser into a file (I`ll use the name mycert.p12 here...
Glite 3.0.0 Upgrade The upgrade is planned for the second half of the week of June 19 23, so most probably for June 22 23 . Documents Glite Documentation page...
Procedure to recreate the scratch filesystem There are two steps to recreate the scratch filesystem. 1 Recreate the filesystem structure: Make sure that the following...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Model name text 10 Model name, in short form. How you usually call it, without the manufacturer...
Hardware Card for XXXX Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about. Disk...
Hardware Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use HardwareCardTemplate that include the HardwareCardForm PabloFernandez...
Hardware Card for IBM DS3500 Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Hardware Card for IBM DCS3700 Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Hardware Card for NetApp E5500B Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about....
Phoenix Hardware and OS related services description Here are described the infrastructure services run on, together with procedures related to them, drivers, incompatibilities...
Hadware Inventory and Connections of Phase C Purpose: This page describes the current physical hardware configuration on per rack basis. Documenting VLAN/color scheme...
Hardware Card for Storage Elements (Thors and Thumpers) The raid setup on the thors and thumpers RAID configuration Here is how the raids are set up on Storage Elements...
Hardware Card for Sun Blades 6048 This is a description for a 12 blade case full of blades. Each blade is model X6275, and each has two computers inside. Each computer...
Hardware Card for Thors Short description about the hardware. Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on what we`re talking about. Disk...
Hardware Card for Sun Thumper X4500 This is our old Storage node for dCache with 48 disks inside Specifications What`s inside the hardware, probably depending on...
Hot topics List of the most relevant changes from both CSCS and the Experiment side that can affect operations Date and ime : CERN General page with the...
How to install a machine with Razor This is a description of how to use Razor to install a system, it`s a WORK IN PROGRESS. All this commands are to be executed in...
Use DS3500 Storage on I/O Servers download RDAC driver from LSI http://www.lsi.com/rdac/ds3000.html wget http://www.lsi.com/rdac/rdac LINUX...
Info Providers on Phoenix These pages are a collection of information on the information providers used by the LCG / EGEE middleware and how they are configured on...
Installing a new LCG Machine The installation process has a fair number of steps, but it`s actually pretty straightforward. Things you`ll need: the root password...
IssueBdiiNotStartingOnXenDomU Symptoms Summary: The slapd daemon underlying the BDII service does not start. This condition is not detected by the /etc/init...
IssueDb4UnderXenDomU Symptoms Summary: A program ( rpm , OpenLDAP`s slapd ) aborts with an error message like: rpmdb: unable to initialize mutex: Function...
IssueProblemDetectLifetimeProxy Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 08 05 After wiping Scratch...
IssueSrmWriteProblem Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): We noticed the problem from 2008 09 04 on...
Issues Board PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
Updating the SLC3 kernel to 2.6 The kernel update should be a simple and straightforward procedure and according to documentation does not have any negative reprercussions...
KVM Virtualization for Production environment Convirture Login to port 8083 on phoenix1 Hosts setup 1 Once the Virident card has been configured and updated to...
LHConCRAYMonOverview External links SLTOP: http://ganglia.lcg.cscs.ch/ganglia/sltop lhconcray.html Common ETF view: https://etf 11.cern.ch/etf/check mk...
Upgrade the Phoenix Cluster to LCG 2.7 The cluster upgrade is scheduled for March 22nd 14.00 March 24th 18.00. If all goes well, we will not need the full length...
Logstash The agent Logstash is a tool that parses logs into JSON so they can be indexed and search. The application is packaged a self contained .jar file. Currently...
If you find that a disk has died on an OSS, here is the procedure: 1st, you need to find out which disk is the one that went bad: root@oss31 ~ # grep C2 /proc...
Lustre OSS Freeze Up Procedures Occasionally, the hardware that Lustre runs on shows its true lame colors, and the controller becomes overwhelmed, which sometimes...
Generally, Lustre should start on its own using heartbeat. It is chkconfig`d on on all the lustre nodes, and when the nodes reboot, they should negotiate between them...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 06 07 CSCS is going to have a general network maintenance from 8:30 to 10:45 that will affect all...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 09 06 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 10 04 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 11 08 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
Scheduled Maintenance on February 7th Update gLite version on all Grid services (PO/PF) At least CreamCE, Apel, glite VOBOX and BDII site have updates (priority:...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes When text 24 Write the maintenance date in YYYY...
Scheduled Maintenance on YYYY MM DD The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Maintenances PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
ATLAS resources federation Zoom link : https://ethz.zoom.us/j/91556179990 Plan to federate two ATLAS sites into one. CSCS LCG2 (dCache), UNIBE LHEP (DPM) CHIPP...
Atlas technical discussion Meeting on 2011 04 07 Date and time : Thursday at 14:00 Place : EVO External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext...
Tier2 User Day meeting at CSCS CERN, Aug. 26, 2010 Meeting scheduled to being at: 10:00am Agenda 0. Welcome and introduction (15`) 1. Visit of the machine room....
CHIPP CSCS Face To Face Meeting on 2014 08 19 Date and time : 19.08.2014 10:15 18:00 Place : ETHZ, room ETZ E81 (http://www.rauminfo.ethz.ch/Rauminfo/RauminfoPre...
CHIPP CSCS F2F Meeting on 2015 01 29 Date and time : 29.01.2015 10:15 18:00 Place : CSCS Meeting room 1st floor External link / EVO : Agenda...
CHIPP/CSCS Face To Face Meeting on 2015 08 21 Date and time : 2015 08 21 9:00 to 17:00 Place : CSCS Meeting Room ground floor External link / EVO...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2016 03 11 Date and time : 10:30 Place : Zurich Zentrum (J 1) External link / EVO : No Agenda 10:30 Coffee...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2016 09 01 Date and time : Thursday 1st of September at 10:00 Place : CERN (40 R B10) External link / EVO : No...
CHIPP CSCS Face To Face Meeting on 2017 01 26 Date and time : Thursday 26th of January at 10:15 Place : Lugano (CSCS) External link / EVO : Scopia...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2017 10 04 Date and time : Wednesday 4th at 9:00 Place : Bern (UNIBE Parkterrasse 14, room 324 3012 Bern)Coordinates...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2018 01 25 Date and time : Thursday 25th of January at 10:10 (time should be fine for the 7:32 train from Zurich / 8:18 from...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup #uncomment...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2019 01 21 Date and time : Monday 21st of January at 10:15 Place : CSCS External link / EVO : Yes, Scopia. Win...
CHIPP CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2019 09 13 Date and time : Friday 13th of September at 10:15 Place : Zurich ETHZ (LEE E 126 map) External link...
CSCS Operations Meeting on 2016 09 27 Date and time : Place : External link / EVO : Agenda First meeting`s overview Issue list review...
CSCS Operations Meeting on 2016 10 18 Date and time : Place : External link / EVO : Agenda Second meeting`s overview. Base issue list: https...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 12 16 at 15:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Fair share Meeting on 2018 11 13 Date and time : 13 November 2018 14:00 15:00. (UTC 01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague Place : CSCS...
Meeting about using GPUs or optimizing costs on Central Storage at CSCS Follow up discussion regarding use of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs...) and reducing/eliminating...
LHConCray Meeting on 2016 11 02 Date and time : Wednesday 2nd of November from 14:00 to 15:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
LHConCRAY Meeting on 2017 01 27 Date and time : Friday at 9:00 Place : CSCS Lugano External link / EVO : Scopia room: 6708261 (https://vcmeeting...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup #uncomment...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 01 10 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (user Pablo Fernandez: 10668462)...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 02 07 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 03 07 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 04 04 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 05 02 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 06 06 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 07 04 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 10 10 Date and time : Thursday 10 October 2013, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 10 31 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 01 17 Date and time : Friday Jan 17, 2014 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 10 02 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 11 06 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 12 04 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 03 06 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 03 05 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 05 07 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 06 10 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 07 02 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 10 15 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 11 10 Time : 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External link...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 12 10 Date and time : 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 01 14 Date and time : At 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 02 04 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External link : http://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 04 07 at 15:30 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External link : http://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 05 12 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 109305236) External link : http://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 06 02 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 07 07 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 08 04 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 11 11 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 12 01 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
CANCELED Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 12 09 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup #uncomment this if you want...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2017 08 03 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2019 04 04 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2019 07 04 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2019 09 05 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2019 12 05 at 14:00 Check calendar invitation for CSCS Zoom details. Action items All VOs: identify if jobs failing during a...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup,Main.EgiGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 02 20 at 15:30 ############################### ## CSCS Meeting room 1st floor (LCA) Join by Zoom meeting: https:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 03 12 at 14:00 Zoom link Time: Mar 12, 2020 02:00 PM Zurich Join Zoom Meeting https://ethz.zoom.us/j/488574691 Meeting...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 04 09 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/536648677 Followup from previous Action Items Action items VO reports...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 04 14 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/98960992045 Followup from previous Action Items Action items VO...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 05 19 at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 06 04 at 15:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/96235214447 Followup from previous Action Items Action items...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 07 09 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/92120924472 Followup from previous Action Items Action items...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 08 13 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/91728979961 Followup from previous Action Items Action items...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 10 08 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/95532306195 Followup from previous Action Items Action items VO...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 11 12 at 14:00 Minutes: 20201112 minutes.rtf Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/99073257555 Followup from previous...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020 12 10 at 14:00 Minutes: CSCS report (the only one uploaded) WLCH SAM: 100% availability and reliability CHIPP pledge...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 01 21 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/96119255442 Next meeting: 11 Feb 2020 at 15h00 (note the...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 02 11 at 15:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/96119255442 Next meeting: 11 March 2021 at 14h00 Minutes:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 03 11 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/96119255442 Next meeting: 15 April 2021 @ 14h30 (note unusual...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 05 20 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/63018843316 Next meeting: 17.06 @ 14h00 as usual we can...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 06 17 at 13:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/63018843316 Next meeting: 8 July 2021 @ 14h00 Minutes: CHIPP...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 07 08 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/63018843316 Next meeting: 5 August 2021 Minutes: CSCS reorganisation...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021 12 16 at 9:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Minutes: ATLAS difficult month: load...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 01 13 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: 10 Feb. at 14h00 Minutes:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 05 12 at 09:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: F2F 2 June 2022 Minutes: EGI:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 07 17 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Minutes: ATLAS ATLAST2Report...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 08 11 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Next meeting Sept 7th @ 14h00 Minutes...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 09 07 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Thu 13th October at 14h00 Minutes...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 10 13 at 14:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Minutes: ATLAS: ALPS back online...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 11 17 at 9:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Thu 15 Dec 2022 @ 14h00 Minutes:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022 12 15 at 9:00 Zoom link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67184143478 Next meeting: Minutes: ATLAS CMS LHCb T2 Sites...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2016 XX XX at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension: 10537598) External link : https://vidyoportal...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 20100715 Date and time : 2010/07/15 at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 07 29 Date and time : 2010/07/29 at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 08 12 Date and time : 2010/08/12 at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 11 04 Date and time : 2010 11 04 at 9:30 CET Place : evo, pass: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 11 25 Date and time : 2010 11 25 9:30 CET Place : EVO (password: chipp) External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 12 09 Date and time : Thursday 09 at 9:30 Place : evo External link / EVO :http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 01 13 Date and time : Thursday 13th of January, at 09:30 Place : EVO External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 02 03 Date and time : Thursday 3th of February Place : EVO External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 02 24 Date and time : Thursday at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 03 24 Date and time : Thursday at 9:30 Place : EVO (password: chipp) External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 05 05 Date and time : Thursday at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 05 19 Date and time : Thursday at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 09 13 Date and time : Tuesday at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2011 10 06 Date and time : Thursday at 14:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012 01 12 Date and time : Thursday at 14:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012 06 14 Date and time : Tuesday at 14:00 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012 07 05 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012 09 06 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012 11 07 Date and time : Wednesday 7th of November, at 14:00 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO...
Meeting at ETH to discuss/optimize Pitz Daint 2020 01 16 Place : CLA D17 ETHZ Slides to guide the discussion Slides: 20200116 ETHmeeting.pdf Minutes (also...
Training sysadmins Course on 2013 11 25 and 2013 11 26. Date and time : 2013 11 25 10:00 16:30 / 2013 11 26 9:00 12:00 Place : CSCS / Meeting room first...
Meetings OR more specific: PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
Mellanox Yum install Create the repo The Mellanox can now easily be installed via a yum repo. Instructions can be found in the user guide http://www.mellanox.com...
CSCS LCG2 Tier2 migration, PhaseB to PhaseC Preamble This document describes the technical steps in relation to CSCS LCG2 Tier2 migration, PhaseB to PhaseC along...
Previous preparatory work for PhaseC migration Administrative work Create a new entry in twiki with details from maintenance days. Inform Users on migration...
MySQL replication Usage slurm1 and slurm2 make use of master master replication to provide high availability. Requirements Semisynchronous replication requires...
New EMI Requirements and Work Plans Taken from an email from Andres Aeschlimann (to operations #64;swing grid.ch, Feb 7th 14:51), for the EMI Roadmap there is https...
All News Items DerekFeichtinger 2010 11 10
KeyWords: downtime Downtime on Tuesday, August 19 from 9:30 to 11:30 am. A faulty DIMM memory module has to be replaced on host se02.lcg.cscs.ch ; to perform the...
KeyWords: Maintenance, News Downtime on Monday, Sept. 1 from 9:00 to 14:00 CEST Regular monthly system maintenance: middleware upgrade to gLite 3.1 update...
KeyWords: HostUI, User PGI compilers available on ui.lcg.cscs.ch The Portland Group compilers (C/C and FORTRAN), version 7.1, are now available to all users...
KeyWords: Maintenance , dCache Downtime on Monday, Sept. 29, 2008 On Monday, Sept. 29, 2008 we will upgrade the dCache server software on the cluster to the...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, HostCe01, Torque , News , VoAtlas, VoCms, VoLhcb New job queue setup: queue by job duration, not by VO During yesterday`s scheduled maintenance...
KeyWords: system LCGTier2 system upgrade Start: October 22nd 2008 End foreseen: October 29th 2008 Details of the upgrade could be found within the...
KeyWords: system LCGTier2 system upgrade Extended downtime Start: October 22nd 2008 End foreseen: November 4th 2008 We have decided to extend the...
KeyWords: system LCGTier2 system upgrade Extended downtime Start: October 22nd 2008 End foreseen: November 7th 2008 We have decided to extend the...
KeyWords: system LCGTier2 system upgrade Extended downtime Start: October 22nd 2008 End foreseen: November 11th 2008 We have decided to extend the...
KeyWords: Maintenance , SysAdmin Downtime for maintenance on Dec. 1, 2008 The LCG PHOENIX cluster will be down for regular maintenance and software upgrade on Dec...
Downtime for monthly maintenance on Monday Jan. 12, 2009 The CSCS LCG Tier2 site will be down for the monthly maintenance on Jan. 12, 2009 from 9:00 to 18:00 (Swiss...
KeyWords: Maintenance Downtime on Mon. Feb 2, 2009 from 9:00 to 19:00 (Swiss time) The CSCS LCG Tier2 site will be down for the monthly maintenance on Feb. 2,...
Downtime for maintenance on May 4 5, 2009 A downtime has been scheduled with GOC from 8:00 CEST on May 4, 2009 to 19:00 CEST on May 5, 2009, to execute the following...
Maintenance on Tuesday May 26, 2009 A small cluster maintenance intervention will take place on Tuesday, May 26, to prepare the cluster for the STEP09 challenge runs...
KeyWords: News , Maintenance Downtime for maintenance on Monday, July 6 The CSCS Tier 2 site will be inaccessbile for software maintenance on...
KeyWords: (see the KeyWords page for guidelines on what to put here.) (1 line summary title; will be included in the main LCGTier2 page) (Your choice of details...
Service Card for GPFS Disk failure/replacement If a disk fails, there is a cron script that should check it (every five minutes) and remove it with mmdeldisk automatically...
oVirt configuration Testbed Based on red hat blog oVirt Hosts: kvm04.lcg.cscs.ch and kvm05.lcg.cscs.ch oVirt Engine: xen01.lcg.cscs.ch NAS mountpoint...
Obsolete Pages PabloFernandez 2011 01 19
Papers and Outreach Conferences HEPIX Autumn 2018, Tier 0 integration 20181001 HEPIX CSCS T0 integration v3.pdf News Articles November`17 SWISS INSTITUTE...
Schema and discussion for network / dCache setup in Phase C network/dCache services schema This will be updated as the discussion progresses. basic situation...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status 2nd March 2007 Minutes of the phone call held the 2nd March 2007 Participants: Sergio Maffioletti...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status Minutes of the phone call held the 13th February 2007 Participants: Sergio Maffioletti...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status 14th March 2007 Minutes of the phone call held the 14th March 2007 Participants: Status of installation...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Nagios LCG enabled Nagios probes An experimental Nagios server has been installed on host ui.lcg.cscs.ch , to monitor the availability of...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, CfEngine, Solaris Compiling and installing CfEngine 2.2.8 on Solaris 10 Alerted by a thread on the help cfengine mailing list, I set forth...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris , Iperf Compiling Iperf on Solaris 10 Compiling Iperf on Solaris 10 turned out to be more difficult than foreseen; there are a...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Xen xen strap Kudos to Marian Klein for writing the truly amazing script xen strap ! It can bootstrap a Xen DomU based on any of: Scientific...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris Notes on Creating Solaris packages I make this note as a reminder of the correct incantation of the Solaris 10 commands to make a...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris Building Perl CPAN modules on Solaris The CPAN Perl module has a very convenient shell for downloading and installing modules, with...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Torque , Maui A script to schedule downtimes There is a tedious part in scheduled downtimes: figuring out and actually typing the correct...
KeyWords: HostCe01, Maui MAUI blocked for 15 minutes from 11:51 to 12:06 MAUI blocked for about 15 minutes; by the time I noticed this and started to investigate...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, NFS NFS performance and the async export option This morning I moved a large directory (Python 2.5.4 sources unpacked, 4200 files and directories...
KeyWords: SysAdmin documentation of PNFS related problems on our dcache installation We began looking in more depth at the problem of root owned directories in PNFS...
KeyWords: TWiki How to disable the WYSIWYG editor I`ve finally found how to disable the TWYSIWYG editor on the TWiki: just write: Set TINYMCEPLUGIN DISABLE...
KeyWords: SysAdmin Issues of our 1.9.3 3 dcache installation gPlazma problems Note: Filed as dcache support request #5119 on 2009 09 24. I am trying to debug an...
KeyWords: (see the KeyWords page for guidelines on what to put here.) Performance measurements from a single Thor To be able to make long term calculations about...
Phoenix Ganglia configuration Note: All configuration files, non standard startup files and gmetric scripts needed for this ganglia cluster are kept in the CSCS...
Inauguration Presentations Dave Barney General Overview on LHC and its physics, with emphasis on CMS ppt, pdf Allan Clark Swiss contributions to...
Swiss WLCG Experts Workshop A workshop for the experts from the experiments (mainly experimental site contacts) and the experts from CSCS. The focus is on the technology...
CHIPP Phoenix Cluster Workshop June 11,th 2006, CSCS Tier2 Status A second `Schulleitungssitzung` needs to be had, since the cooling infrastructure installation...
Phoenix Monitoring Overview Phoenix is a cluster comprised of Phoenix nodes and Daint(HPC) nodes. VoMonitoringDashboard The following URLs are related to external...
Phoenix Monitoring Overview This is a custom view of the most important sensors. Note: The now values printed at the bottom of some graphs are not correct. Worker...
Presentations and public Documents You can find the documents attached to this page. DerekFeichtinger 04 Mar 2006
Services in Phoenix Cluster Here is a list of services installed in the Phoenix Cluster, with information about it`s setup, guides and other useful information...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
KeyWords: twiki, migration Migration to new twiki Marcel Baur of endemic technology has been charged to port and operate the twiki for CHIPP and Phoenix. The new...
PoPC porting issues on ui lcg : gpt build nosrc gcc32pthr gpt build nosrc gcc32 gpt build nosrc gcc32dbgpthr gpt build nosrc gcc32dbg SergioMaffioletti...
PreProduction environment setup General information The PreProduction cluster is a set of KVM hosts (DSH group KVM HOSTS: xen01,xen 04 08 ) and a bunch of KVM guests...
Public Information Press Releases Phoenix Inauguration press release Life Article Presentations Phoenix Inauguration and presentations Other Information...
Puppet Overview of puppet in phoenix This wiki page is an overview of how Puppet it set up on Phoenix. It assumes you have a working understanding of Puppet and covers...
Foreman Setup (before puppet) First, open the instructions from here: http://theforeman.org/manuals/1.1/index.html Start with a fresh install of SL6 # Configure...
KeyWords: queue downtime Reducing queue closure time before scheduled downtimes Right now we are closing the queues 2.5 days before scheduled downtimes. It turns...
Collected CPU and Storage Specs for all Swiss WLCG attached centers CSCS Tier 2 From PhoenixSetupAndSpecs T3 CH PSI From Tier3Overview UZH LHCb Tier 3 The Tier...
Phoenix Cluster Road Map This page displays the situation where our Cluster is, where is it going to, and where does it come from. It can be specially useful to have...
ATLAS SC4 Site log for PHOENIX cluster 23. 6. 2006. Status after first week of tier 0 exercise After the power cut at CERN, Tier 0 tier 1 transfers are now back...
Discussion about the upgrade of WNs to SL(C)5 Summary sheet CERN wiki page on the migration and known issues Interim consensus for WN model: `SL5, 64bit...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 07 03 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 08 21 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 08 28 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 09 04 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
NOTE: This information is somewhat sensitive and should be kept private. The content can`t be read if you`re not in the TwikiAdminGroup. j Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW...
Service Card for Swiss National ARGUS This is the configuration page for the Swiss National ARGUS system, deployed at CSCS. Definition Operations Client tools...
Service Card for EMI APEL Definition APEL is the system that collects all the accounting statistics of Phoenix and pushes them to EGI central accounting database...
Service Card for Nordugrid Arc CE It`s the entry point for Nordugrid jobs, very common within Switzerland Definition Operations Client tools arcinfo allows...
Service Card for Argus Short description about the service. Definition Argus is a system meant to render consistent authorization decisions for distributed services...
Service Card for BDII Definition Our site BDII host is bdii.lcg.cscs.ch which is a DNS alias for sbdii 01 03 . The three site bdiis are set up in High Availability...
Service Card for CVMFS CVMFS is a package running on the WNs that needs a squid proxy to cache requests. Definition Currently, the host in which the squid for cvmfs...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Service name text 10 Generic service name Machines this service is installed...
Service Card for XXXX Short description about the service. Definition What does the service do, and how does it do it. Main purpose List of internal components...
Phoenix Service definition Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use ServiceCardTemplate that include the ServiceCardForm...
Service Challenge Information Site logs for Phoenix for CMS for ATLAS CMS October Exercise 2009 STEP09 Post Mortem workshop services versions...
Service Configuration Service Nodes General Instructions install the OS: XenSampleImageReplication check kernel version, should be kernel xen 2.6....
Service Card for CREAM CE/ARGUS Definition The CREAM CE system is the entry point for jobs in a WLCG site. User submit jobs to CREAM CEs and they are responsible...
Service Card for dCache dCache is our mass Grid Storage resource. It serves more than 1 Petabyte of space to all VOs, mainly using GridFTP and dcap access protocols...
Service Card for GPFS2 This is the service page for the GPFS2 scratch filesystem. Operations Server tools PDSH commands can be launched from phoenix1.lcg.cscs...
Service Card for LRMS Definition SLURM is the cornerstone of job submission. It`s a piece of software that needs to run all the time and it is configured as follows...
Service Card for Login This is the service card for Login nodes in Phoenix: phoenix1 , phoenix2 and ui . Definition At the time of writing these lines, there...
Service Card for Monitoring Short description about the service. Definition What does the service do, and how does it do it. Main purpose List of internal...
Service Card for NFS ha nfs setup: If something goes wrong on one, go to the other machine and type /usr/lib64/heartbeat/hb takeover foreign once you think...
Service Card for Worker Node Definition At the time of writing these notes, all Worker Nodes are configured as follows: Scientific Linux 6.5 x86 64 In kernel...
Site Downtime Procedure This page contains details of what actions need to be taken in order to place the site into downtime Change management Make a note on http...
Random Failures of the data management lcg utils As seen on LCG ROLLOUT: The thing is that since LFC based tests became the official rm tests in the SFTs, our site...
Scheduled maintenance on 2010 05 22 The next first working Monday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will return...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2011 06 08 Next Wednesday we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will return to operation as soon as...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2011 08 03 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 8:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2011 11 07, at 8:00am Next Monday 7th of November we are going to migrate from Lustre to GPFS. This requires a full compute shutdown, and...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 02 01 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 8:30 to 19:30, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 04 18 CSCS is moving to a new compute center in Lugano, and we will go into Scheduled Downtime for three weeks. This is the planned schedule...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 06 04 Next Monday we will go into a Scheduled Downtime that will last for two days (maximum). It will start on Monday 4th of June at...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 07 04 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 09 18 On Tuesday 18th of September we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 18:00, but we will return to operation...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2012 11 14 The next second working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. This time the operations will take us longer...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 04 09 The 9th of April 2013 we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 8:00 to 18:00, but we will return to operation as soon...
Scheduled Maintenance on 2013 05 15 The next first working Wednesday of the month we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 9:00 to 20:00, but we will...
Scheduled Maintenance on 20151001 Next October 1st Wednesday we will go into Scheduled Downtime. It will last from 8:00 to 18:00, but we will return to operation as...
Site Specific Modifications This page contains details about modification made to software that are specific to CSCS. Full details should be found on the relevant...
Upgrade to Scientific Linux 4 A first attempt has failed. PeterKunszt 20 Apr 2006
Migration from Solaris to Linux machines in old Thumpers Solaris Thumpers are giving us a lot of problems, so we want to migrate them to linux. We need to move the...
Storage Pool Raid Setup for Thors and Thumpers JasonTemple 2011 04 18
The Swiss ATLAS Grid Working Group Supports, monitors and manages usage of the Swiss ATLAS Grid. Consists of S. Haug (lead), S. Gadomski, C. Topfel, P. Kunszt...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 07 03 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2013 08 08 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 04 03 Date and time : Friday 11.04.2014 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension:...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 05 13 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2014 06 05 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2015 04 02 Date and time : First Thursday of the month, at 14:00 Place : Vidyo (room: Swiss Grid Operations Meeting, extension...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 09 09 Date and time : 2010/09/09 at 9:30 Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO :http://evo.caltech...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 09 30 Date and time : Thursday 30th of September Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http:/...
Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2010 10 14 Date and time : Thursday 14th of October Place : EVO, password: chipp External link / EVO : http://evo...
Syslog The following is based around rsyslog but is applicable to syslog in general. The config examples will be using the `legacy` syntax for rsyslog version 5.x...
Testing data retrieval from historical view in EGI Nagios TIME() GMTIME TIME(GMTIME) TODAY() PabloFernandez 2012 01 30
Lustre Oss hardware Using 3 Virident cards, 2 as metadataOnly, 1 as dataAndMetadata 256K blocksize Sep 14 11:19 root@wn120:tmpgpfs # dd if /dev/zero of test bs...
Tests PabloFernandez 2011 01 24
Throughput Tests with ASGC These throughput tests were done with Jason Shih, Chia Ming Kuo and Aries Hung. April 30th 2007 Route, RTT and packet loss traceroute...
Throughput Tests with ASGC These throughput tests were done with Jason Shih, Chia Ming Kuo and Aries Hung. The doIperf.sh was run from a Linux 2.6 kernel system...
Throughput Tests with FNAL These throughput tests were performed with the help of Matt Crawford and Mark Bowden from FNAL. The first few tests were done running iperf...
Throughput Tests with FZK These throughput tests were performed together with Bruno Hoeft. Route, RTT and packet loss traceroute to f01 110 107 e.gridka.de (...
Disk Layout on CSCS Thumpers We`ve currently got two thumpers, each with 48 500gb drives. Two drives in each system are reserved for the OS, leaving 46 for normal...
Other tools that may be of interest, internal and external. Full Cluster Restart Each service individually describes how to start up. On a more general level, and...
Home Menu of TopMenuSkin This topic defines the Home pulldown menu, used by the TopMenuSkin. test name Site map Related...
Transfer Exercises Preparations 1. Log into your account at ui.lcg.cscs.ch 1. Get these two command reference files: and https://wiki.chipp.ch/twiki/pub...
Tree View (from WebHome) You can define the base search tree with the URL parameter `treebasetopic`. The default is WebHome. Set TREEBASETOPIC PabloFernandez...
Upgrade planning Form Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes Title text 50 M Summary textarea 250 M...
CSCS LCG Tier 2 Upgrade Planning Page Summary Details
Virident Information Firmware update 1.1.2 to 2.1 Download the new drivers: http://support.virident.com/supportweb/drivers/index.html Install a supported kernel:...
Status plots from VO Monitoring Dashboard hour day week month year CSCS ATLAS CMS LHCb StefanoGorini 2017 01 18
VO Requirements for the Tier 2 This page should collect information on the requirements that the VOs put on a Tier 2. Mainly, it should help to find the relevant documents...
TWiki`s LCGTier2 web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Welcome to the CSCS LCGTier2 web Swiss LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Tier 2 The CSCS LCG grid site is a dedicated resource for the Swiss Institute of Particle...
See also the faster 1
(Topic) 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences Users Entry...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
LCGTier2 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LCGTier2 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
TWiki`s LCGTier2 web /LCGTier2 The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Statistics for LCGTier2 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Top Menu of LCGTier2 Web This topic defines the menu structure of the LCGTier2 web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Groups...
Organize Tree View (global) Tree View (from here) Rename / move to Trash This is the...
See also the verbose 1 .
Keywords: vmware, esx, esxi, console, ssh, infiniband Working with VMWare ESXi 4 Setting up a VMWare ESXi 4 host Installation with the ILOM in the ILOM...
Installing in a HVM with CD and then converting it to PV. There`s some info here: http://markmail.org/message/ib5bctd3amqqzl5u#query:convert%20hvm%20xen%20to%20paravirtual...
Cloning the sample image The way to go would be like this: Create the root swap partitions lvcreate L 12G n arc02 root vg root lvcreate L 4G n arc02 swap...
Number of topics: 396

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